Friday, June 22, 2007

My handbag obsession

I was tidying up my e-clutter when I found these photos. This is a handbag I bought in PE on the Knysna trip.

Gorgeous, isn't it?

No, I didn't sell this one!!! My word - I'm not crazy.

And I'm almost ashamed to say I now own about 18. That's how out of control this bag-buying thing was. They all spoke to me and said, Buy me, Buy me.
Don't you also hear the voices??? :-) What are your voices about?


Unknown said...

My voices threaten, cajole and rationalize me buying hundreds of dollars worth of fountain pens...Ok, maybe that's me threatening people to buy me fountain pens. Either way, I am a sucker for pens. My prize possession is my $475 Mont Blanc and my goal is the $750 lipstick fountain pen from Mont Blanc. Oh ya, it calls to me.

Anonymous said...

Okay, I may be the odd woman out here, but I don't really want to acquire anything. Actually, I am wanting to get rid of my stuff!

I don't judge anyone who can afford such luxuries to buy them. However, I am not in that position and never have been - which is probably a good part of why I feel like I do.

Jenny said...

oh, my, what a beautiful color!! I like that purse! You own 18 of these exact purses, or you own 18 purses total?? Either way, we've got to be kin!

Annie said...

Love it.
My company is gone, it's raining buckets and all is well with the world :o)
Hope your day is great too!
