Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Office Organising Makeover - final roundup of posts

If you've been reading since January, you'll know the whole story behind Anne's office organising makeover.

I want to publicly say that (I've already told her so privately) I honestly think God set this thing up because I could not have asked for a better guest blogger.

Anne has been so open and honest with her struggles and triumphs, but more than that, she's been really open-minded in letting me challenge some of the old ways she had of doing things through my 7 easy steps to organise your office system.


So, here's a final round-up of all Anne's posts.

I'm also putting them over there ---->>> on the sidebar if ever you want to reference a particular post again.

  1. Before pics & problem areas
  2. Sorting out the zones
  3. Decluttering
  4. Paper clutter
  5. Electronic clutter
  6. Overcoming organising obstacles
  7. Setting up systems


Anne said...

Whoo hoo! Can you believe I made it through the whole thing?!?!! And ya know what???? I can still see the top of my desk... and even my HUSBAND is using the filing system!!!! This was the best (office) experience ever!

Marcia Francois said...

I CAN believe it, Anne. I had faith in you all along and I’m so, so proud of you for finishing and for keeping it up!
