Sausage and pumpkin bakeWednesday
Scribbled by
Marcia Francois
10:30 pm
like organising
Neatly filed under: 10 minute clutter hacks, Menu plan Monday, my website, UK trip
Scribbled by
Marcia Francois
9:25 am
like organising
Neatly filed under: 10 minute clutter hacks, bedroom
I'm not joking when I say I wish I'd written this book myself!
This is an awesome organising resource, both for the Super Organised and for those just struggling to hold it all together. It is beautifully written with lots of personal anecdotes and examples and when you're done reading, you'll definitely know what will work for you and what won't.
There are lots of diagrams so you don't have to guess what she means, and also some really good flowcharts for the visual people out there.
Angela addresses the many styles by having different sections for you, so if you only want the quick version, there's a section of a chapter just for you, and if you like all the little details, she caters to you too.
For each section of organising, e.g. scheduling, Angela gives MANY different examples, each one tailored for a different organising style.
I know I'm the Organising Queen but even I got TONS of ideas from this book, two of which are already helping me organise my organised life, much, much better ;)
Get this book now. You won't regret it!
Click the tag at the bottom of this post to read the other parts in this series.
Scribbled by
Marcia Francois
9:02 am
like organising
Neatly filed under: Angela Yee, favourite organising tools, I'm not neat but I'm organized
Megan from the Disorder to Order blog tagged me for the 10 weird things meme.
Oooh, now for the fun part.
I'm tagging Suzanne Babb, Rachel Pulido and Beth Dargis. And anyone else who wants to play along - yes, that's YOU!
So what are we eating this week?
In South Africa, we have a public holiday on Monday (same as we had on Friday).
I read on someone's blog that in the US, you have to take an annual leave day if you want to observe Good Friday. My word! That will not go down well over here :)
Seriously though, is that right? What about in other parts of the world?
Chicken, rice and broccoli
Macaroni and cheese
Baked potatoes, vienna sausage and lentil sauce
Hot dogs and chips
Sausage, butternut and pasta bake, with cheese bread
What's on your menu this week? And don't forget to tell me if you guys get public holidays!
Scribbled by
Marcia Francois
3:39 pm
like organising
Neatly filed under: Menu plan Monday, tags
This is part 3. Click the tag at the bottom of this post to read the other parts in this series.
One of my favourite parts of this book was the workflow section. I love how Angela explains this and I'm going to be using it with my clients too because anyone can relate.
If you think of your paper flow as a little car and your decision-making process is like coming to a traffic light...
RED means stop - throw those papers away
ORANGE means wait - file those papers
GREEN means either show (delegate to someone else) or go (do the work yourself)
Now that's already really cool but then she breaks down the GO part further, and this part I LOVE!
The reason why I LOVE this part so much is because we all try and put unscheduled tasks in our calendar (on our daily to-do list) and that's why we feel overwhelmed and unworthy when we don't get those things done.
Of course, you add some tasks from your master list to your daily list once you have the scheduled stuff on your list. And of course, if I'm coaching you :) , we'll always make sure at least 2 of those tasks move you towards your goals, so that you're effective and not just busy!
(I deal with all this in MUCH more detail in Help! I need more time)
Is it just me or do you also think the whole paper flow is explained just beautifully with this easy-to-understand analogy?
P.S. If you're on Facebook, you can check Angela's profile under my friends. There is a lovely picture of her beautiful face :)
Scribbled by
Marcia Francois
2:19 pm
like organising
Neatly filed under: getting things done, I'm not neat but I'm organized, Office paper computer, organising workflow
If you have a passion for organising and you'd like to turn that into a professional organising business, then I'd love to help you!
As you know, I'm a professional organiser AND a coach so you get the best of both worlds - someone cheering you on and guiding you to get your own business up and running in record time.
I have a 6-week, how to become a professional organiser group coaching programme starting on Thursday 20th March.
Read more about the benefits of the programme, about previous happy coaching clients, how it all works and all the wonderful bonuses.
If you have any questions, please email me personally on marcia AT
Scribbled by
Marcia Francois
9:39 pm
1 like organising
Neatly filed under: How to become a professional organiser
Scribbled by
Marcia Francois
9:08 am
like organising
Neatly filed under: clothes, decluttering, Girl stuff - handbags shoes clothes
This week is a short week - yayyyy - due to the Easter weekend.
We are meeting friends of ours (we'll be staying with them for 3 days in England) at OR Tambo Airport on Friday for a few hours and then we're going to pretend we're young and hip by going to a Tree 63 concert.
Do you know Tree 63? They're a fabulous Christian band, now based in the US. And by a weird coincidence, Dion was introduced to their music by this same friend yonks ago (more than 10 years ago). Here's a You Tube video. I've been to one of their concerts YEARS ago and they are OUTSTANDING in concert - high energy and entertaining!
Aside from that and church, we have N O T H I N G planned and we are so looking forward to it.
Right, onto this week's menu:
Cottage pie (carried over from last week)
Noodles and stirfried veggies
Curry and rice
Baked potatoes and spicy lentil sauce
Supper probably at the airport, or a takeaway on the way to the concert.
Have a wonderful week, everyone, and have a fabulous Easter weekend!
P.S Do you need more time?
P.P.S. I am hoping my new website will go live this week.
What do you have planned for this week?
Scribbled by
Marcia Francois
9:28 pm
like organising
Neatly filed under: Easter weekend, Menu plan Monday, Tree63
Scribbled by
Marcia Francois
4:44 pm
like organising
Neatly filed under: Holidays, organising your trip
Scribbled by
Marcia Francois
12:55 pm
like organising
Neatly filed under: goal-setting, reaching your goals
(a) my MIL bought it for me and I thought that was very kind of her and
(b) it is cool to wear in our blazing hot Jhb summers. BUT I must admit, I don't love it and it doesn't even look like me.
Scribbled by
Marcia Francois
9:18 am
like organising
Neatly filed under: goal-setting, goals, organise your home, Skypecast, tackle it Tuesday
Scribbled by
Marcia Francois
8:59 pm
like organising
Neatly filed under: goal-setting, goals, Menu plan Monday, time management
Many of you write to me to tell me that it's really hard getting and staying organised because of your spouse and kids.
I get it - I really do!
And if more people were to open up, we'd probably find that most couples have different organising styles.
This is how you can live harmoniously:
Recognise that everybody's different
When you get that your husband and kids don't think like you and you accept it, you become more tolerant of them, and of the way they organise their lives.
Don't complicate things
The easier your systems, the happier everyone will be to co-operate.
Why have a 5-step system for the laundry when you can just let everyone toss their dirty clothes in the laundry basket in their rooms?
Let them have their space
Everyone deserves to have space where they can just be themselves. I'm not only talking about their rooms.
In our study, which we both use, I have 8 of the 10 shelves beautifully organised with my business, personal and our household stuff. The other 2 shelves are Dion's personal (messy) things.
I don't want to see that mess so as long as the doors to the cupboard are closed, I'm happy. And as long as Dion has his things his way, he's happy. See? Now I personally can't understand how he can find anything there but I respect his space :)
When you're getting frustrated, communicate your needs.
Dion knows that it drives me stark raving crazy when I wake up and there's stuff lying around the house. I like waking up to an uncluttered house the way I left it. But see he wakes up before I do so there's opportunity to mess it all up. Now that he knows how I feel though, he restricts his morning wanderings to only one room and I'm still happy ;)
Occasionally, Dion indulges the crazy organiser in me because he knows I want to get at his stuff.
Scribbled by
Marcia Francois
10:21 pm
like organising
Neatly filed under: organising in relationships, simplicity
Those of you who have been reading my blog since the beginning of the year know we've had some cleaning lady hassles.
Well, the frustration with this 2nd one has been building and this weekend, I called her up and fired her.
And you know what? I feel relief about it.
Yes, I have to now do my own cleaning but that's fine - at least I don't have the expectation of a house in order only to come home and find that it's not done properly!
Back to the drawing board!
What are you tackling this week?
Scribbled by
Marcia Francois
4:03 pm
like organising
Neatly filed under: tackle it Tuesday
Okay, here we go - another week.
This week I have things on every day of the week and I'm just off to a Leaders Meeting at church!
Stirfried chicken, veg and basmati rice
Macaroni cheese
Cottage pie
Baked potatoes with kidney bean sauce
Hot dogs and weigh-less chips
What's on your menu this week?
P.S. Do you know how to achieve your goals? Join me on a free Skypecast
Scribbled by
Marcia Francois
6:27 pm
1 like organising
Neatly filed under: goal-setting, goals, Menu plan Monday