This weekend we're organising our taxes.
This week, your challenge is to ...
- get all your documents together
- file your return online/ fill it in yourself or make an appointment with your tax consultant
- if you've been organising your receipts, you shouldn't have any problems but if you haven't been organised, then set things up now for the next financial year.
Share in the comments how you did!

If you could use some help with your finances, check out
(Don't forget to take the financial check-up quiz about half way down the page)
I was up until 3 a.m. cleaning my office and going through paperwork and cleaning up my desk and filing cabinets. So much neater and less cluttered. I also worked on my tax return, should finish it up this week.
Ours were done early this year. We've already received our refund. At least this year we didn't have to pay like last year.
Military Mom, good on you for getting it nearly done (not for missing sleep :))
Diane, well done to you! I also like to get mine in early so I don’t have to wait for my money!
Most people here file their returns on the day or the week afterwards. We have a date for paper returns and a date a week later for e-filing
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