Monday, February 23, 2009

The winner of the Finding Balance ecourse is...

is Charity, CEO who wrote...

I could definitely use this. I need something to give me a direction and to give me a better idea of what I am doing wrong. My house, business and life is a mess--help!

Incidentally, Charity is the same person who asked that excellent question about the best handbag size last year and is therefore a gal after my own heart :)

Well, Charity, are you in for a treat!


But the rest of you don't have to miss out.

Kim's giving all my readers 27% off the regular price of the ecourse. But please remember, this is for TWO DAYS only.

This offer will expire on Wednesday 25th at 2pm EST (that's 9pm South African time).

This e-course is perfect for you if you're a WAHM or a blogger who makes money from their blog, or really, any sort of mom with a business leaning.

Work-life balance is hard enough but when it's your own business, it can get even harder as you juggle multiple balls in the air.

Get your copy of the 7-part e-course, Finding Balance as an Entrepreneur Mom, and get the balance back in your life.


For those of you who have the balance thing sorted out (or mostly sorted), please share your best tip in the comments.

I'll go first...

The best way that I keep balanced is I have VERY clear boundaries with my time. I know what I want my life to look like (relaxed and lots of lazing around :)) so I have no problem saying no to too many commitments.

Over to you!


Anonymous said...

The best way for me to ensure I spend time on personal activities as well as work, is to slot them into my schedule.

Fun is more fun when it's spontaneous, but I'm not a spontaneous person, so that's just the way it has to be, until I come up with another solution.

Marcia Francois said...

Janet, don’t feel bad. I do exactly the same thing – schedule time for fun. Actually I put fun things on my to-do list like “read a book” or “visit friend” and I’ve found that within the confines of a schedule, there’s more spontaneity ;)

Anonymous said...

That's a very good point, Marcia. On a day-to-day basis I feel like I don't have time to go out and meet a friend for lunch or go shopping, but if it's planned in advance, I usually don't have a problem fitting it in.

Military Momz said...

I definitely need to try this! I am always saying I need an extra 10 hours at least in a day.
